
At Outmin, we understand that in today’s digital world, the security of your data is not just a priority—it's a necessity. As we continue to grow and innovate, our commitment to safeguarding your information remains unwavering. This document outlines the key security measures we have in place to protect your data and ensure compliance with relevant regulations.

While we are a growing company, our approach to security is firmly rooted in best practices, continuous improvement, and a deep respect for the trust you place in us. From comprehensive employee training to advanced cloud security technologies, we have built a security framework designed to protect your data from ever-evolving threats.

This document provides an overview of our current security practices, the steps we take to protect your data, and our ongoing efforts to achieve industry-standard certifications. Our goal is to offer transparency into our security processes, demonstrating our commitment to maintaining the highest standards of data protection and privacy.

We value your trust and are committed to keeping your information secure as we work together to achieve your business goals.

Security Policies

At Outmin, we are responsible for delivering a range of services across different domains, from managing our clients' customer and supplier data to acting on their behalf with third-party services such as ROS. As a result, the security of our clients' data is our top priority. We understand the importance of maintaining a robust security posture, particularly in today’s ever-evolving digital landscape. Although we are a growing company, we are fully committed to adopting best practices and continuously improving our security measures to protect the sensitive information entrusted to us.

Client Data Protection

We take a multi-layered approach to safeguarding client data on our platform. Utilising modern cloud security tools, specifically through our partnership with AWS, we implement industry best practices to secure our systems.

Our approach includes:

  • Cloud Security: We leverage advanced AWS security tools to protect our cloud environment, ensuring that client data remains secure from unauthorised access and potential threats.
  • Access Control: We enforce strict access controls based on the principle of least privilege. This ensures that employees only have access to the tools and data necessary for their roles, reducing the risk of internal breaches. To maintain the integrity of our systems, we conduct regular reviews of these access privileges to ensure they remain appropriate as roles and responsibilities evolve. As part of our access control measures, we utilise a robust password management system to securely manage and control access to credentials. Additionally, we have a comprehensive offboarding process in place for employees leaving the company. This process includes the immediate revocation of all access rights, ensuring that no former employee retains access to any of our systems or sensitive data. By carefully managing access from the moment an employee joins to the moment they depart, we further mitigate the risk of unauthorised access and maintain the highest level of security for our clients' data.
  • Platform Monitoring: Our platform is continuously monitored to detect and respond to any suspicious activity. This proactive approach helps us identify potential vulnerabilities and address them before they can be exploited.
  • Internal Security Measures: Our internal tools and systems are protected by a secure VPN, adding an additional layer of security against unauthorised access.
  • Backups and Encryption: At Outmin, the security and availability of your data are paramount. To ensure data resilience, we implement regular backups across all of our databases. These backups are securely stored, enabling us to quickly restore data in the event of an unexpected issue, thereby minimising potential downtime and data loss. In addition to backups, we enforce strict encryption protocols to protect your data. All data is encrypted at rest, safeguarding it against unauthorised access and ensuring that even in the unlikely event of a breach, the data remains unreadable and secure. These measures form a critical part of our commitment to maintaining the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your information.

Employee Security Awareness

At Outmin, we understand that our employees play a crucial role in safeguarding our systems and client data. That’s why every team member undergoes comprehensive security awareness training. This program equips our staff with the knowledge to identify and respond to phishing attempts, manage passwords securely, and adhere to GDPR compliance.

We also emphasise the responsible use of AI technologies, ensuring our team is prepared to navigate both the opportunities and risks associated with these tools.

Through continuous education on these critical topics, we significantly reduce the risk of human error and strengthen our overall security posture. Our commitment to ongoing training helps us maintain a vigilant, security-conscious culture across the organisation.

3rd-Party Vendor Management

At Outmin, we recognise that the security of our clients' data extends beyond our own systems to the third-party vendors we partner with. To ensure that your information remains protected throughout our entire ecosystem, we diligently review and assess the terms of use and security practices of each vendor we work with.

This process includes evaluating their data protection policies, compliance with relevant regulations, and their ability to maintain the confidentiality and integrity of the data we entrust to them. By carefully selecting and continuously monitoring our third-party partners, we ensure that our commitment to data security is upheld at every level.

GDPR Compliance

At Outmin, compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a core aspect of our commitment to data privacy. We have implemented robust policies and procedures to ensure that all personal data is handled with the utmost care and in full compliance with GDPR requirements. Our team is trained to understand and apply GDPR principles, from data minimisation and purpose limitation to ensuring that data subjects' rights are respected.

We continuously review and update our practices to stay aligned with the latest regulatory developments, ensuring that our clients' data is protected and managed in accordance with the highest standards of privacy and security.

Ongoing Commitment to Security and Compliance

While we currently do not hold industry-standard certifications, we are dedicated to achieving these benchmarks in the future. We recognise their importance and are actively working towards them. Our ongoing efforts include regular reviews of our security policies, staying up-to-date with the latest security trends, and continually enhancing our security infrastructure.

At Outmin, we believe that transparency and vigilance are key to maintaining trust. Our commitment to security is unwavering, and we will continue to invest in the necessary tools, training, and processes to ensure that our clients' data is always protected.

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